Make ADHD work for you

Hey, fellow neurospicy friend!

How much time and money have you wasted on waiting for motivation and focus to appear whilst feeling overwhelmed by it?In a couple of hours I can help you distill what steps you need to take.After which, I will help you to achieve them and create successful and long-term changes in your healthy habits. Your life should work for you and yield you better connections, deep joy, quality of life.Sounds like a good deal? It's quite simple.

Hello, my name is:

Gabby Kanyo

10+ years experience working with clients in coaching and psychotherapy settings.Working in public and private healthcare, CEOs, senior managers and employees. Focusing on achieving results you want and value.Holding you accountable whilst creating an enjoyable and supportive environment is my forte - come and challenge me!

We start with goals

Set the right goals

I mean, seriously!I'm an expert in helping people drilling down to what they want and why. After 10 years of intense delivery of psychotherapy, believe me when I say it, I can help you.Your goals have to work for you.

Elephant in the room:


Yes, I know.You want to feel motivated, me too. But guess what, motivation doesn't appear out of thin air. Work for it. And I will be the one dangling the carrot.It's hard, but you can do this. (but you don't have to do it alone!)

Deal with setbacks


We'll deal with the guilt that comes up when you fall off the horse.It will happen, and it's not a big deal. We'll also check that you know how to recharge and do all this shit by yourself too.Here's a lovely recharging nature photo for you to look at, whilst you are mulling this over.

You are not alone in this boat


EVIL LAUGHI love being an accountability partner. It's easy, right? No, it isn't. I feel your pain when things don't work out and I want you to succeed.We go to battle together (and I will call you out on your BS and excuses).

Keep it up

Get consistent

It's hard to stay consistent - not enough to get started, you need to keep at it.It's not easy, I won't ever tell you it is. But if you find a way to create a system that works for you, then it's not about willpower.It's about a system that works. No friction.

Overcome impatience

Impatient no more!

Hold your horses, that's all I can ask.Keep calm and carry on as the British say. Impatience will come up and we will sit it down and give it food. Whilst you carry on with what you started.You won't become a zen master, or who knows, perhaps you will.

Pressure, what?

Pressure and expectations

You remember my point above about realistic goals?If you don't, scroll up. Or don't. Main takeaway, you'll need realistic expectations and I will be ruthlessly asking you questions which challenge you.All this, to make your life easier.

What do you have to lose?

Book a free, 15 minutes intro call

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Speak soon!

© Healthy habits coaching with Gabby Kanyo. All right reserved.

Thank you